Our Diversity and Equity Pledge

July 13, 2020
Our Diversity and Equity Pledge

At Digiday Media, we have a company mission statement that is centered on fostering change. We need to do just that — in actions.

Black lives matter, and the systemic racism that perpetuates inequity and a lack of diversity in media, marketing, and beyond is unacceptable. 

We’re committed to doing work, to growing, to learning and to living up to a higher standard. In covering industries that too often meet crises with words rather than deeds, we’ve learned that actions matter more than anything else. Internally, we have created our own board, Allies for Diversity and Inclusion, to hold ourselves accountable. Here are a few of the commitments Digiday Media is making today to change from within:

• We will hire from underrepresented groups. Internally, we are making a commitment to ensure our staff is equally diverse and educated about unconscious and conscious bias. Currently our staff is 60% female, 40% male with 63% white, 9% Hispanic, 13% Asian, 5% Black, and 10% two or more races. We will be working on improving our diversity statistics once we re-engage in hiring post pandemic, and will be implementing quarterly bias trainings to encourage a diverse workforce.

• We have to do a better job of increasing a diversity of representation in our coverage and events. We’re making a commitment to guarantee that our speaker panels across all brands, across all events, are diverse. We are striving to meet and surpass a few percentage goals: At least 50% of our speakers will be female or gender-nonbinary and at least 30% of speakers will be non-white.

• We will tell the stories of the marginalized and underrepresented more consistently. Digiday has covered some of the big equality and opportunity stories in media and marketing, Glossy has done the same in fashion and beauty and Modern Retail has dug into those trends in retail and the direct-to-consumer world.

• We will be implementing internal training and education programs to ensure our employees are armed with the resources they need to play their part. This includes an internal resource of the latest articles, podcasts, talks and books, workshops featuring outside experts and specific training for hiring managers and all staff.

We also recognize that we are not the leaders here. We are following and learning, and along the way, we hope to help and support some of the local, national, and global organizations directly fighting racism, violence, hate, and inequity. Please read our post here on how we are directly supporting these communities, and trust us, this is only the beginning.